Je vous avais dit que l’on parlait de mode mais pas que ! Et oui, pour mon premier article, j’ai choisi de vous présenter un jeune photographe nantais : Aurélien Denys.
Aurélien et moi, nous nous sommes rencontrés par le biais de Facebook dans un groupe où l’on partage nos goûts et découvertes du moment en matière de musique electro (je vous en reparlerai sans doute dans les prochaines semaines).
I told you that we were not always going to talk about fashion ! My first entry is an interview about a photographer of Nantes : Aurélien Denys.
I told you that we were not always going to talk about fashion ! My first entry is an interview about a photographer of Nantes : Aurélien Denys.
Aurélien and I had met on facebook, in a music group where we share our taste in music and our recent discovers about eletronic music (I'll tell you about that in a few week)
Ce que j’aime dans le travail d’Aurélien, ce sont tout d’abord la pureté et la beauté des modèles qu’il photographie (comment ne pas le reconnaitre !), le cadrage, les jeux de lumières, les petites phrases qui sont parsemées çà et là.
What I love in Aurelien’s work, is the purity and the beauty of models he shoots (We cannot not recognize his work !), the composition, the lights and all those words written here and there on his pictures.
Aurélien a bien voulu répondre à mes questions alors pas la peine de blablater, il en parlera sûrement mieux que moi :
No need to talk about his work no more, Aurelien directly answers my question, and I guess that he could bring a better approach to his work:
No need to talk about his work no more, Aurelien directly answers my question, and I guess that he could bring a better approach to his work:
Aurys 18ans, en formation pour un bac STI arts appliqués. J'ai beaucoup voyagé depuis tout petit, habité à l'étranger, ça ouvre l'esprit.
Could you introduce yourself ?
Aurys, 18 years old studying for a « Bac STI Arts Appliqués »
I have travelled a lot since I’m a kid, I’ve lived in a lot of foreign countries and it opens up your mind.
Quand as-tu commencé la photo ?
Could you introduce yourself ?
Aurys, 18 years old studying for a « Bac STI Arts Appliqués »
I have travelled a lot since I’m a kid, I’ve lived in a lot of foreign countries and it opens up your mind.
Quand as-tu commencé la photo ?
J'ai commencé la photo je ne sais plus trop comment avec un bridge numérique il y a moins de 2 ans, en photographiant de jolies amies; ce que j'ai aimé faire et que j'ai continué pour mon plaisir personnel.
Je n'ai jamais pris de cours ou quoi que ce soit, je n'en vois pas l'utilité, il suffit de bidouiller et d'avoir "un oeil",des notions de cadrage.
When did you start photography ?
I don’t really remember how it first started, but it was 2 years ago with a bridge camera, taking pictures of sweet friends. I really loved doing it, so I carry on photography for my personnal pleasure. I have never took photography lessons, I think there is no point in taking it, you just need to play with your settings, to have sense of composition and a sharp eye for
Je n'ai jamais pris de cours ou quoi que ce soit, je n'en vois pas l'utilité, il suffit de bidouiller et d'avoir "un oeil",des notions de cadrage.
When did you start photography ?
I don’t really remember how it first started, but it was 2 years ago with a bridge camera, taking pictures of sweet friends. I really loved doing it, so I carry on photography for my personnal pleasure. I have never took photography lessons, I think there is no point in taking it, you just need to play with your settings, to have sense of composition and a sharp eye for
Quel matériel utilises-tu ?
Actuellement j'ai un reflex canon Eos 1000D, objectif basique mais je commence à me lasser de la pureté des images numériques et je pense que je vais me remettre très bientôt l'argentique.
Which lenses and camera do you use ?
I use a Canon EOS 1000D reflex with a basic lense. But I begin to be fed up with numerical images and I think that I’m going to be back to analog photography.
Actuellement j'ai un reflex canon Eos 1000D, objectif basique mais je commence à me lasser de la pureté des images numériques et je pense que je vais me remettre très bientôt l'argentique.
Which lenses and camera do you use ?
I use a Canon EOS 1000D reflex with a basic lense. But I begin to be fed up with numerical images and I think that I’m going to be back to analog photography.
Pour finir, que conseillerais-tu aux futurs photographes qui veulent se lancer ?
.. Euh.. Faites en sorte d'avoir d'un minimum d'esthétisme, soyez amoureux haha
What the advice to the young who want to start photography ?
Have some estheticism in your pictures, and be in love !
What the advice to the young who want to start photography ?
Have some estheticism in your pictures, and be in love !
You can check his work on the sites below and I hope that you’ll enjoy his evolving talent.
You can follow his work on Facebook, website, Tumblr!
Les photos postées dans cet article sont la propriété du photographe, veuillez le contacter pour tout usage que ce soit.
Those pictures are the property of the photographer, please contact him for any use.
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